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Writer's picture: Nelda Nelda


1 1/2 cup almond flour⠀

3 tbsp coconut flour⠀

1/3 cup sweetener (@lakantomonkfruit)⠀

1 egg⠀

1/2 tsp baking powder⠀

1/4 cup lemon juice⠀

1/4 cup oil coconut oil, melted⠀

1 Lemon zest⠀

1/4 cup blueberries ⠀


Lemon glaze : 3 Tbsp powdered sweetener (@lakantomonkfruit) + 1 Tbsp plant based milk + 1 tsp lemon juice⠀

Lemon zest⠀


•Preheat oven 350 F / 176 C⠀

•In a mixing bowl, add the egg, coconut oil, lemon juice, sweetener and whisk.⠀

•Add the lemon zest, almond flour, coconut flour, baking powder, whisk well until soft batter starts to form.⠀

•Form the cookies with your hands and place them in a baking tray. Flatten the cookies and give them the desired shape.⠀

•Bake for 10-15 min until golden outside.⠀

•Allow them to cool down and drizzled with lemon glaze and sparkling with lemon zest.⠀

Voilà, Enjoy♡︎⠀


1 1/2 taza harina almendras⠀

3 cdas harina coco⠀

1/3 taza endulzante (@lakantomonkfruit)⠀

1 huevo⠀

1/2 cdta polvo para hornear⠀

1/4 taza jugo lima⠀

1/4 taza aceite coco, derretido⠀

Ralladura de 1 lima⠀

1/4 taza arándanos⠀


Glaseado de limon: 3 cdas endulznate en polvo@lakanto+ 1 cda leche de almendras u otra + 1 tsp lemon juice⠀

Ralladura de limón⠀

Writer's picture: Nelda Nelda


Burrata cheese⠀



Truffle olive oil (or normal olive oil)⠀

Balsamic glaze⠀

Salt & Pepper⠀


Queso Burrata⠀



Aceite de oliva de Trufas (o normal)⠀

Glaseado de balsámico⠀

Sal y Pimienta⠀

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Writer's picture: Nelda Nelda

𝐈𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 (serves 2)⠀

5 tomatoes⠀

1 cucumber⠀

1 garlic clove⠀

1/2 onion, small⠀

1 tsp cumin⠀

2 Tbsp olive oil⠀

Salt & pepper to taste ⠀



Olive oil⠀


Mini toast⠀


1.Peel the tomatoes and cucumber.⠀

2.Scoop out the cucumber seeds.⠀

3.Blend everything⠀

4.Let it cool 30 min-1hr in the fridge.⠀

5.Serve cold with basil, olive oil, pepper and mini toast.⠀


𝐈𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐬: (2 personas)⠀

5 tomates⠀

1 pepino⠀

1 diente de ajo⠀

1/2 cebolla, chica⠀

1/2 cdta comino⠀

2 cdas aceite oliva⠀

Sal y pimienta al gusto⠀


Hojas Albahaca⠀

Aceite de oliva⠀


Mini pan tostado⠀


1.Pelar tomate y pepino.⠀

2.Retirar semillas de pepino.⠀

3.Poner todo a licuar.⠀

4.Dejar enfriar en el refrigerador por 30 min-1hr.⠀

5.Servir frío con albahaca, aceite de oliva y mini pan tostado.⠀

Voilà,A disfrutar!

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